In the heights
Ever since I got back into film photography the thought of making a zine has been floating around in my mind. To have my photos printed in a book for people to look at is a really cool idea! The problem? I don’t really know how I would structure it so a blog post is good enough for now
It was going to be called ‘In The Heights’ and I wanted to document where I live and my surroundings because every day I drive by all these houses cool spots that I never stop and shoot. When people ask where I’m from I always say LA because if I said “La Habra Heights” people would look and stare blankly at me ahahaha.
I’m sure that’s the case with most people who don’t live in big cities or live on the outskirts of town. I’m not lying when I say I live in LA because I’m technically on the border of La county so I count it
Of course, this work in progress would need a LOT more photos and a lot more time to develop everything. I do like that I took these photos as sort of a stepping stone because it made me realize how beautiful it is here. Growing up, kids would tell me “oh you live up there? You must be rich!!” Now I won’t lie when I say that rich folks live here but I just see it as a really nice place to live
What’s funny is I would take Dobby on walks through these exact same spots for a few weeks at a time and never saw anything significant about them. I think Quarantine kicked my ass into gear and got me back into wanting to make photos again!
Thanks for reading! Stay safe and follow me on Instagram